Trumpeter Aircraft 1/144 YF23 Fighter Kit
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There was a fly-off for the next generation of Air Force Fighters. The two contenders were the the Lockheed-Martin YF-22 and Northrop-Grumman YF-23. Both were twin-engined fighters that incorporated stealth technology. This meant that all weapons had to be carried internally. Each company provided two air frames, each powered by different engines. One with General Electric and the other with Pratt & Whitney turbofans.
Though both air frames performed exceptionally well, money was the big factor and based on lower projected unit costs, the YF-22 was the winning air frame. Preproduction versions, now called the Raptor, are now being put through their paces at Edwards AFB. The YF-23s are currently being held in semi-storage by the NASA Dryden for testing purposes.