ARCUS Luftwaffe WWII Bombers Eastern Front Aircraft Enamel Paint Set (6 Colors) 10ml Bottles
Suitable for Luftwaffe WW2 camouflage of bomber, recce, and transport aircraft
The set consists of 6 paints of 10 ml. Set contains:
- 275 RLM 70 Schwarzgrün (Black Green) - Upper surfaces camouflage color of Luftwaffe bomber aircraft. The standard color of prop blades.
- 274 RLM 71 Dunkelgrün (Dark Green) - Standard upper surfaces camouflage color of Luftwaffe bomber, transport, recce, and liaison aircrafts
- 260 RLM 65 (1941) Hellblau (Light Blue) - Standard color of under-surfaces of Luftwaffe aircraft (except fighters) since 1941
- 296 RLM 04 Gelb (Yellow) - Color of IDs and markings. Standard IFF color according to the Axis regulations for the Eastern Front.
- 099 Pure White - White distemtper paint for winter aircraft camouflages
- 098 Jet Black - Black distemtper for under surfaces of night-operational aircraft
Suggested models:
- Blom & Voss BV-141
- Dornier Do-17
- Fieseler Fi-156 Storch
- Focke-Wulf Fw-58 Weihe
- Focke-Wulf Fw-189 Uhu
- Heinkel He-111
- Henschel Hs-123
- Henschel Hs-126
- Henschel Hs-129
- Junkers Ju-52/3m
- Junkers Ju-87 Stuka
- Junkers Ju-88
- Junkers Ju-188
- Junkers W 34
- Siebel Fh-104
- Siebel Si-204 etc.