Airfix's new P-51D Mustang kit and it is an interesting design. Molded in light gray styrene, the kit is presented on five parts trees plus one tree of clear parts. The surface detailing is scribed, and while the panel lines are a bit heavy, they'll blend nicely after painting and weathering. One pet peeve Mustang lovers have is having panel lines on the wing surfaces since North American puttied those seams at the factory to achieve laminar flow, but even so, there were still access panels to the guns, ammo bays, etc., that were present. You can see a good example of that with this wartime P-51D photo.
- Detailed cockpit
- Pilot restraints molded onto the seat
- Optional seated pilot figure
- Contiguous floor/frame from the firewall, the floor of the cockpit, top of the radiator, to tailwheel well
- Separately molded cockpit sidewalls with nice details
- Radio rack behind pilot mounted above the fuselage fuel tank
- Positionable canopy
- Choice of early or late bubble canopy as well as Dallas canopy
- Choice of the windscreen with or without rearview mirror mount
- Nice radiator details
- Choice of early or late production tail fillet
- Choice of engine air vents
- Choice of open or faired engine exhaust stacks
- Landing gear can be positioned up or down
- Positionable flaps
- Positionable ailerons
- Positionable elevators
- Positionable rudder
- Positionable radiator exhaust flap
- Choice of metal or paper underwing external fuel tanks
- Optional bazooka rocket launchers