Trumpeter 1/35 Soviet Object 450 Medium Tank Kit
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Object 450 was an attempt to design or at least look at how the tank will look like in the future by Morozov, T-64 designer. He wrote about his concept of a new tank, which he called NST-74, Object 450, and T-74, in his diary,
This vehicle was proposed in the early 1970s by the Kharkiv design bureau, as NST-74 ("New Medium Tank - 74"). It turned out to be more a concept than a real design that the Soviet industry would be able to build in the 1970s. The t-74 concept from 1972 was found to be not very good, while the 1973 concept had several key improvements over the 1972 concept - better gunner position (and later it was further improved in 1974), gun mount, ammo storage, FCS principles, and crew placement. The new tank was to be created to surpass the new Leopard and XM-801.